Why We Need Oxygen, Portable Oxygen-OXY99

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Molecular oxygen is vital for cellular respiration in all aerobic organisms. It is an established fact that no life sustain on the planet earth without oxygen. The air we breathe reaches lungs from the oxygen enters red blood cells and travels down to every cell in the body, where it is oxidized releasing energy and carbon dioxide. The energy is used in accomplishing the daily tasks of life while carbon dioxide is expelled. Living beings need adequate level of oxygen in the bloodstream for a living a full life and for maintaining cellular activity. The oxygen is made up of 96% of the blood and if the oxygen level falls below 90%, the normal cellular activity is affected and health could be at risk.

Around 80 percent of metabolic energy generated in our body is because of oxygen. We eat food comprising of high energy chemical bonds that get broken upon oxidization generating energy and heat, used for performing our daily tasks. Our brain comprises only 2 per cent of the body’s total mass but uses up 25% of the oxygen present in our body. If the level of oxygen falls below this level, your brain stops working at its optimum level and becomes dull and listless. Adequate level of oxygen promotes clarity of thinking and mental well-being.

However, if you are suffering from low level of oxygen because of pollution, crowded spaces or poorly ventilated living spaces, you can increase the level of oxygen using supplemental oxygen such as OXY99’s oxygen canister. OXY99 offers portable oxygen can that come packaged with 150 inhalations to increase the level of oxygen in your bloodstream. Oxygen in a can is good for you whether you are a sportsman trying to achieve peak performance, a housewife trapped in low energy or a business executive struggling with fatigue, OXY99’s canned oxygen is the best solution for raising the level of oxygen in your body as well as in your life.